Friday 2 July 2010


Production of the music
We are doing a remake of the music video originally produced by Birdman, Lil Wayne and Drake ‘4 My Town’. The song will be recorded in the recording studio for the vocals of the song. Only two of people from the group will take part in the vocals which are Mark Hornsey and Carlvin Kihura. We chose to do this because we think that we will get a professional sound. The music will then be edited and put together in Audacity (free audio editor), we used this because it is a free software and we a fairly familiar with it.


This will be undertaken by Mark Hornsey, but he will get input from the rest of the group so we can complete a successful storyboard. Mark will also be directing the video shoot as he will know the most about the storyboard.

Recording the Video:

Mark will be directing most of the shots by looking at the storyboard and will get input from me and Carlvin, if we think something does not work.

I will be the camera man and sometimes Mark and Carlvin will take over so I can take part in the video. When all three of us have to take part in the video we will have to ask a friend to take control of the camera, who will properly be directed by us.

All of the video recording will be done in the green screen room as it three has high quality cameras so it will be easier to insert images, we can produce high quality video footage and we will be able to record from three angles at the same time. Another reason for the green screen room is most hip-hop music videos are recorded there, so we will be following the conventions. However the beginning of our music video may be recorded at another location with a slightly lower quality camera, but until confirmation obtained this will not be used. We will have to try to figure out how to use the green screen room and the editing suite by our selves as it holds complicated professional equipment and there is not a properly qualified teacher that can teach us how to use them, this may consume a lot of time so we will have to be comitted to coming in outside of school hours.

All three of us will be taking part in the video but we will also ask friends to take part in the video as this will relate it to the hip-hop genre, we will ask female friends if it is possible for them to take part in the video, if not we will have to find another way to represent females as it is crucial for the hip-hop genre..

The music video will be edited by myself in Sony Vegas Pro 10 as it has very professional effects and I am very familiar with the software. I will also be getting input from Mark as he has done the storyboard and he will know the where the shots will go. I will also get some input from Carlvin as he will be able to say if something works or not so we can create the best piece of work. We will do a first draft and get opinions from a friends, family and teachers on what needs to be changed, and then recreate it.

Production of the Ancillary Tasks:

The website will be undertaken by Carlvin Kihura; and will be cooperating with me who will be doing the Digipak. We both will need to coordinate with eachother in order to have the same design, we will use the same images and colour theme to create good branding and make it look like they are properly co-ordinated, professional pieces of work.