Friday 25 June 2010

Focus Group results

I asked a group of fellow classmates a few question for each music video, to get an idea of what sort of video they enjoy and they think is most entertaining, and the results are:

Look What the Cat Dragged in

Q. Who liked this music video and why

Result: they liked this music video because of different reasons, which include; it looks like a party, the scenes outside and the way the dancers are dancing with the beat of the song

Q. In terms of mise-en-scene does it represent the hip-hop genre and how?

Result: They said that it is a typical grime music video and that is that you would usually see.

Q. Was there a narrative in the music video?

Result: They all answered no.

Good Times

Q. Who liked this music video and why?

Result: They liked this music video because it looks like they are having a good time

Q. What elements in the music video represent the hip-hop genre?

Result: They said; the clothing, women and dancing represent the hip-hop genre.

Q. What was eye-catching about the music video?

Result: they replied how hyper the video is, the party atmosphere and the different paces of the video such as the fast motion in the beginning.

You’re a Jerk

Q. what are the good elements of the music video?

Result: they said; it is a fun video, the dancing and the clothing were attractive, which include; the skinny jeans and caps.

Q. Does the clothing represent the hip-hop genre?

Result: they said the top half shows the genre, which include; the baggy T-shirts, chains and caps.

Q. does having one person in the video make it more interesting?

Result: They said it is better than having just one person and the people dancing in the middle of the streets is attractive.

The first two music videos were British and the last is American, which do you enjoy more?

Result: They all agreed that the second music video (Good Times) was the best because it is more appealing and it is more continuous rather than repetitive.

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