Friday 18 June 2010


Drake – Thank Me Later

This digipak clearly represents the hip-hop genre because of many different factors, which include; the colour scheme, the text, the mise en scene, his facial expression and the effects.

The colour scheme for this is digipak is black and dark blue, which makes it look quite dark and gloomy; this is used because he does not want the album to look all fun, he wants it to look neutral or serious. The colour scheme shows what type of songs will be inside the album because it usually does; in this case the songs will be serious songs.

The text again shows that it is neutral and he does not want to make it look cool, the text is simple and clear, this is because he wants it to be easy to read and the audience does not have to look at it for more than two seconds without being able to make out what it says.

The text is the opposite of what the hip-hop genre would normally be because it is usually has some kind of design such as graffiti, but this is plain and simple, this is because he obviously wants it look uncomplicated.

The text is in all capitals this again is because he wants the text to be noticeable.

The mise en scene clearly represents the genre because he is wearing stereotypical hip-hop clothing, which include shiny jacket and a baseball cap. Without this it would have been hard to make out that it is a hip-hop album.

The facial expression Drake has is a neutral look; this is because he is again trying to portray the serious effect.

The effect that this album has is a motion blur, this is used because he wanted it to look a bit more exciting, even though he does wants it to be simple, without this effect it would be too simple which would make it look boring, so the effects makes it look a bit better.

Drake – Heartbreak Drake Part 2

This digipak clearly represents the hip-hop genre because of many different factors, which include; the colour scheme, the text, the mise en scene, his facial expression and the effects.

The digipak is the complete opposite of ‘Thank Me Later’ digipak, but they both represent the hip-hop genre.

The colour scheme for this album cover is mixed colours; this is because he wants it to look fun, exciting and attractive. This is opposite to the other digipak because he does not want it to look simple and serious.

This colour scheme shows that the songs inside will be exciting and not serious or boring.

The text on this album cover is not simple or serious it is attractive because it is unaligned, different sized letters, at an angle and has a crack through it, this goes with the title, because the title is ‘Heartbreak Drake’, so these factors show that it is not neat, which represents the hip-hop genre as the hip-hop genre is not neat.

The mise en scene clearly show the hip-hop genre because he has shown nearly every stereotypical hip-hop element on the album cover, these things include; a hoody, baggy jeans, trainers, sun glasses, women in short dresses, a sports car and being on the streets. So it is easily noticeable as a hip-hop album.

The diner in the background shows where Drake is from, which is America because that is where diners are.

His facial expressions are still serious this is because it gives the image a bit of a serious look because if he was smiling it would have looked too happy for the hip-hop genre.

The effect that this digipak has is the high contrast; this makes the image look much more attractive.

The image does not look like an original it looks like a collage, this is what makes it even more attractive.

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